Micromouse Press Release - PAM

Micromouse Press Release – PAM

Micromouse announces the new version of its User Data Management Portal – PAM

The proactive data management user portal, PAM, incorporates new features that improve the efficiency and pam_logoperformance of resources, optimizes TCO and enable compliance.

Madrid, 2014 September 19th. Micromouse  announces the availability of the new version of its data management user portal – PAM -, which allow the corporate users a proactive management of their data, allocated at the storage resources that the corporation offers to them. This new approach of data management enables companies to improve the efficiency of the systems while give the users more information about the data they have generated.

Users are the active and principle component in the process of data management; it is they who generate enormous quantities of data on a daily basis and if left uncontrolled or without means to manage their data then inefficiency and wastage quickly occurs. Involving the user in data management allows one to obtain the balance between corporate policies and best practices on unstructured data stored on corporate systems, thus providing intelligence to the business process in making the company more efficient and competitive.

Through the “Pro-active Data Management Portal” – PAM – users are able to benefit from the best in data management technologies and so help free the IT Storage Infrastructure Manager from the laborious, time consuming and repetitive task of cleaning up the environment.

Key developments incorporated to this new version of PAM are:

  • Record user activity. The compliance and forensic analytics have become an essential requirement for IT departments. For this reason PAM keeps track with the trace of the activity carried out by the user from PAM, and other system events themselves.
  • Improved licensing system. To ensure proper use of PAM with respect to the legality of the license.
  • Resource control permissions (ACLs). For Regulations, Compliance and Data Protection Laws issues, in some companies, for some resources and for some users, it is vitally important the show who has access to their resources, or certain resources.
  • General operating improvements, performance and visualization.

If you want more information about PAM or evaluate it, send an email to or call us at +34 91 639 85 50.

About Micromouse

Micromouse is Spanish company that for over 30 years. The company offers solutions for cost savings in data resource management, integration of fax and SMS with CRM, ERP and e-mail, automatic inventory and performance optimization on mail servers. In addition, highly available distributed applications, backup, secure integration PC / UNIX / Host and real-time replication. For more information, visit https://www.micromouse.com or contact us by email (), phone (+34 91 639 85 50) or fax (+34 91 639 11 01).