MIGAFAX, fax to cover all your business needs

MIGAFAX, fax to cover all your business needs

migafaxMIGAFAX is the complement to the Zetafax, provides extended and compatible fax capabilities to support all enterprise endpoints, from users on their own PC, tablet or mobile phone even in a cyber café, to multifunction network devices, email or a network share resource on a file server.

MIGAFAX is able to integrate with your network infrastructure to provide the fax service that is required of both, send a fax from multiple sources, and receive a fax to multiple destinations, while maintaining confidentiality of delivery with automatic inward routing.

Both MIGAFAX and Zetafax are supported in traditional physical Windows servers, and Windows virtualized environments. This is based on Dialogic SR140 IP connectors and IP Audiocodes gateways, which are available for both analogue lines, ISDN and primary links.

[heading type=2]Key Features of MIGAFAX [/heading]

  • Faxing from multiples environments and devices: Web Client (http and https), Email, Multifunction Devices, Applications, Network Directory and any other needs of your users or infrastructure.
  • Receiving fax specific to each fax number (DDI) available: Web Client (http and https), Email, Multifunction Devices, Applications, Network Directory and any other needs of your users or infrastructure. In addition, for each destination, you can specify the format of fax reception, eg PDF, tif or jpg.
  • User management concurrently supporting users from different directory services. Accommodates manual user management and departmental mailboxes. Rights management allows a user to delegate access to their fax mailbox.
  • Outward Routing to specify the line through which the fax must be sent (dialing rules) and the cover sheet. You can define specific settings to an individual user, although its most common use is for Organizational Units OUs within an Active Directory.
  • White lists to limit the file types that users can send by fax. The administrator can also set a maximum file size, eg 5 MB.
  • Quarantine mailbox which temporarily stores faxes sent by users without faxing permission, where the Administrator may release it or reject it. Quarantine has a life time, after which faxes are automatically deleted.
  • System Activity Log that includes all actions that have taken place through MIGAFAX, both integration with enterprise systems, eg Active Directory synchronization, as registering fax activity of each user.
  • System alerts and reports to detect anomalous behavior of the system. The reporting system allows the Administrator and the Corporation have control MIGAFAX about global corporation visibility, and individual users level.
  • Scalability and Contingency to match the fax business requirements.


[heading type=2]Sending a fax message[/heading]

Send a fax through MIGAFAX can be achieved using multiple environments and devices:

  • Web client (http and https)
  • Email
  • Multifunction devices
  • Applications
  • Network directories
  • Others

The users can send different file types formats as attached information to the fax message, as Microsoft Office, text, images, html pages and many others.


Administrators can set up MIGAFAX to allow the system process and send a controlled set of file types (white list) and limit the file size of every document, avoiding performance issues.

[heading type=2]Multifunction devices[/heading]

Corporate network infrastructures include multifunction devices, frequently. From those devices the users scan documents and sometimes it is needed to send them by fax.

For those multifunction devices that are integrated with email, as HP, Toshiba, Ricoh or Gestetner, the scanned document can be sent directly by fax, through MIGAFAX. Some multifunction devices support scanning documents to a Network Directory, linked with a XML file that get all the destination information of the scanned document, that MIGAFAX pick up and automatically send it by fax.

After sending the document a notification is generated and sent by email (and/or published into the web client) to the user with the fax transmission information, the transmission report.

[heading type=2]Fax reception[/heading]

In the same way that there are available different way to send a fax, the reception of a fax message can be set up individually per every fax number available (DDI).

  • Web client (http and https)
  • Email
  • Multifunction devices or printers (printing)
  • Applications
  • Network directories
  • Others

Per every destination, the administrator can configure a file format for the fax message, i.e. PDF or tif.

[heading type=2]User management[/heading]

MIGAFAX is designed to support users from different directory services at the same time (concurrently), i.e. several Microsoft Windows Active Directories. Additionally it has the capability to manage users through manual set up, it means, users that don’t belong to any directory services.


MIGAFAX is able to manage departmental fax mailboxes, where several users can access concurrently to that fax mailbox and work inside it. It has a user access control list that allow one user designed as mailbox administrator, to manage permission for other users. 

A user can delegate to other users the access to his/her mailbox, and additionally can delegate the rol of sending in behalf of.

[heading type=2]Outward routing[/heading]

Through Dial Rules, MIGAFAX allow outward routing configuration that specify the behaviour of the system when sending faxes: the outward line, and the coversheet configuration.

It is possible to set up a specific dial rule configuration per individual user, although the common scenario will be the set up based in Active Directory Organizational Units (OUs).


[heading type=2]White list: File types[/heading]

The white list MIGAFAX feature allow control the file types the users can send by fax, allowing to have the system under a controlled environment.

Additional to white list feature, the administrator can configure a maximum file size that a user can send by fax, i.e. 5 MB, avoiding performance issues.


[heading type=2]Quarantine mailbox[/heading]

The quarantine repository has the role to temporarily stores faxes sent by users without faxing permission, where the Administrator may release it or reject it.

A fax message that arrive to the quarantine mailbox has a life time, after which faxes are automatically deleted.

[heading type=2]System Activity Log[/heading]

The System Activity Log record all actions that have taken place through MIGAFAX, both integration with enterprise systems, i.e. Active Directory synchronization, as registering fax activity of each user.

It allow Administrator to diagnostic and solve problems, but additionally it is a forensic log about users activity that allow to detect fraudulent abuses of sending faxes.

[heading type=2]System alerts and reports[/heading]

The MIGAFAX System Alerts advise about anomalous behaviors of the system that should be attended by Administrators.

  • HD free space
  • User without permissions
  • Duplicates logins, DDI or emails
  • External services synchronization errors

In the other hand, the reporting system allows the Administrator and the Corporation have control MIGAFAX about global corporation visibility, and individual users level.


The OLAP system report of MIGAFAX group information bases in different areas, filtered by faxes sent/received, and dates:

  • Users without activity
  • Top-ten users
  • Top-fifty users
  • Sent activity
  • DDI activity
  • File Type activity
  • Time/date activity
  • Errors
    • Not allowed file types
    • Fax addressing
    • Users without permissions

[heading type=2]Scalability and contingency[/heading]

MIGAFAX and Zetafax can be installed in a single server or based on the customer needs in could be split in several virtual or physical servers.


One of the suggested configuration scenarios, where fax activity has some criticism is install two MIGAFAX front ends to support users and system interactions.

If you want aditional information, please call us to +34916398550 or send an e-mail to